
21 May 2010

Inside York Shore Battery

Yesterday while dog walking at York Redoubt we walked down to the York Shore Battery at the bottom of the cliff. The area remains closed and the roof remains very dangerous. Even though the area is fenced off, every time we've gone down there recently we've encounter others behind the enclosure.

The building with the failing roof has had it's door sealed preventing easy access. With the exception of this sealed door, all other rooms remain open.

While at York Shore Battery we noticed an watch tower filled with pigeons and observed a Canadian Coast Guard vessel leaving port. On the towers- If you're interested in climbing up there, it really isn't worth it. Broken glass, rocks and pigeon crap. All that and the roof it's situated on is failing.

Link: Canadian Coast Guard: Maritimes Region

1. The failing roof at York Shore Battery.

2. Watch tower.

3. Rusting ladder providing risky roof access.

4. Graffiti continues to pop up. Chain-link won't stop vandals.

5. Canadian Coast Guard vessel leaving port.

6. Pigeon Tower.

7. Keep Off: Structure Unsafe, Roof Might Collapse.

8. York Shore Battery

View York Redoubt in a larger map

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