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Downtown Halifax Tunnel System
Teleglobe Earth Satellite Station (Feb '05)
Info Request
31 March 2015
WATCH: CBC's Land & Sea 'Halifax Underground'
Originally aired on CBC on March 29, 2015.
25 March 2015
CBC's Land & Sea 'Halifax Underground' to air Sunday 12pm ADT
This afternoon I received an email from Tell Tale Productions to thank me for my contribution to their documentary 'Halifax Underground...
29 October 2014
Halifax Underground
Poked around York Redoubt today with a crew from Tell Tale Productions, filming 'Halifax Underground' for CBC's Land & Sea. ...
09 August 2014
Camp Strawberry
Tenting at Strawberry Battery hasn't changed much over the years. Jacob, Chris, and I identified an iron triangle in 2009 as an excell...
08 August 2014
Maritime Meet-Up 2014 - Part Three
MARMU (Maritime Meet-Up) 2014's second day began with a fair amount of rain before anyone woke up. I provided the group with some absolu...
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